webcoles infantilBCNSFF2023

Make your reservation for the school sessions of the BCN Sports Film

Do you want to bring the values of sport to the little ones? Come to the Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch and enjoy the school sessions in person on 22, 23 and 24 February 2023.

At BCN Sports Film we know that sport is an educational tool. That is why we have selected animation, fiction and short documentaries with the aim of making schoolchildren reflect on issues related to immigration, health, stereotypes, performance, bullying or gender diversity.

An educational aspect with which they will be able to enjoy sport and get closer to the values it instills. That is why we have the collaboration of FILMCLUB, an entity that promotes learning through audiovisuals, which has collaborated by developing the pedagogical dossiers according to the themes and ages of each session.

The different face-to-face sessions will be held on February 22, 23 and 24, 2023.

Session 16 to 8 years old: Company, teamwork, non-discrimination, tolerance, values, etc.

Session 29 to 10 years old: Teamwork, family support or obstacles faced by an athlete.

Session 311 to 12 years old: Overcoming barriers, fighting for dreams, solidarity.

Session 413 to 14 years old: Sport values such as fair-play, integration or collaboration.

Session 5 14 to 16 years old: The impact on sport due to wars, political conflicts or living in marginalized areas.

Session 6 –  16 to 17 years old: Overcoming barriers derived from stereotypes, exclusion, physical adversities or sexual tendencies.

Session 7 – Bracking barriers. Out of stereotypes! . 12 to 17 years old: Through the story of the soccer player Alexia Putellas, topics such as stereotypes, family conciliation or gender diversity will be worked on.

Please note:

  • Sessions will be free of charge for schoolchildren in Primary, ESO and Bachillerato or formative cycles.
  • The day includes, free of charge, a free visit to the Olympic Museum.
Book your in-person session now:
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The BCN Sports Film is a festival of everyone and for everyone! Don’t miss your reservation!