Guille Cascante, Balandrau director, in the BCN Sports Film
The day was full of sports productions related to fiction, animation and documentary genres, with which we learned the value of the spirit of self-improvement. A total of 6 sessions were screened in different venues: Museu OlÃmpic i de l’esport Joan Antoni Samaranch, Museu i Centre d’Estudis Melcior Colet, Centre CÃvic El Sortidor, Cinemes Girona.
The first session of the day started with ‘El último sprint’ at the Museu OlÃmpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch. Inspired by athletics, two productions were screened. On the one hand, the short film ‘Runmania’; and ‘Run! Shunzi’, inspired by the personal experience of Zhang Deshun. Shunzi, the protagonist of this endearing and inspiring story, lives in a mountainous region and dreams of becoming a runner, although many obstacles stand in her way. A journey that has shown us how the power of dreams pushes you to never give up.
The Museu i Centre d’Estudis Dr. Melcior Colet has hosted “The other face of sport” where educational values such as cooperation, solidarity and collaboration have been the backbone of the 5 productions screened. They have brought us closer to the different realities suffered by their protagonists, but made us believe in the ability of people to build a more humane world.
In the same way, with “No limits”, at the Centre CÃvic El Sortidor, we have accompanied three boys with intellectual disabilities who decide to break barriers and travel from Albacete to Nepal with “La cumbre es el camino”. Session based on the spirit of overcoming, courage and effort of protagonists for whom sport has been a fundamental support in their lives.
One of the greatest tragedies experienced in the history of the Catalan Pyrenees has come to the Museu OlÃmpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch with “Frozen Hell”. “Balandrau, Infern glaçat” is a story of those who that day, more than surviving, were born again. A production nominated for best documentary film at the XIV Gaudà Awards.
Finally, the last two sessions of the day took place at the Cinemes Girona with “Offside”, nine productions based on integration, fair play, equality…; and “The smiles of sport”, which showed us the funniest side of sport and invited us to keep the illusion in any context.
For more information and ticket reservations, please visit our website!