Productions of BCN SPORTS FILM FESTIVAL 2023

Meet the 67 audiovisual productions of the 13th edition of the BCN Sports Film Festival.

265 days without waves

Julie Gomez , Rebeca Arnal

265 days without waves

Julie Gomez , Rebeca Arnal

Athleticus – Escalade

Nicolas Deveaux

Athleticus – Escalade

Nicolas Deveaux

Athleticus – Marathon

Nicolas Deveaux

Athleticus – Marathon

Nicolas Deveaux

Athleticus – Street Basket

Nicolas Deveaux

Athleticus – Street Basket

Nicolas Deveaux


Emilio Martínez-Borso Legerén


Emilio Martínez-Borso Legerén

Basti – Teddy

Adam K. Kawałek

Basti – Teddy

Adam K. Kawałek

Between Walls

Johannes Hoffmann

Between Walls

Johannes Hoffmann

Beyond the summit

Isabel Guayasamin

Beyond the summit

Isabel Guayasamin


Mattias Graham


Mattias Graham

Brazadas, un documental sobre la ELA

Albert Gordillo , Roger Alemany

Brazadas, un documental sobre la ELA

Albert Gordillo , Roger Alemany

Breack the pact

Ianis Guerrero

Breack the pact

Ianis Guerrero


Patrick Green


Patrick Green

Comeback Girls

Isaac Seigel-Boettner , Jacob Seigel Brielle

Comeback Girls

Isaac Seigel-Boettner , Jacob Seigel Brielle

Connected to the Terrain

Alberto Collantes

Connected to the Terrain

Alberto Collantes

Daida back to the ocean

Pablo Ramírez Bolaños

Daida back to the ocean

Pablo Ramírez Bolaños

Desert stars

Katherina Harder Sacre

Desert stars

Katherina Harder Sacre

Dream & Play

Ricardo David

Dream & Play

Ricardo David


Ali LavariMonfared , NazAfarin Hassanpour


Ali LavariMonfared , NazAfarin Hassanpour


Catalina Alarcón


Catalina Alarcón


Ignasi López Fàbregas


Ignasi López Fàbregas


Arun Bhagath K


Arun Bhagath K


Valeria Dana


Valeria Dana

Enzo Ferrari the Red and the Black

Enrico Cerasuolo

Enzo Ferrari the Red and the Black

Enrico Cerasuolo

Esports 360: Els velòdroms perduts

Jordi Bentanachs

Esports 360: Els velòdroms perduts

Jordi Bentanachs


Ying Wu


Ying Wu

Falling Free

Jakub Wittchen

Falling Free

Jakub Wittchen

Formula for a Ring

Chalisa Phiboolsook

Formula for a Ring

Chalisa Phiboolsook

Girls talk about football

Paola Sorrentino

Girls talk about football

Paola Sorrentino

Go Ski

Shaked Hyman

Go Ski

Shaked Hyman

Green – Fit

Maxime Pistorio

Green – Fit

Maxime Pistorio

Informe Plus+ | La plata de Los Ángeles

Luis Fermoso

Informe Plus+ | La plata de Los Ángeles

Luis Fermoso


Arta Tari


Arta Tari


Danny Schmidt


Danny Schmidt


Solène Bosseboeuf , Flore Dechorgnat , Tiphaine Klein , Auguste Lefort , Antoine Rossi


Solène Bosseboeuf , Flore Dechorgnat , Tiphaine Klein , Auguste Lefort , Antoine Rossi

Match Point

Juan David Cadena Cardoso

Match Point

Juan David Cadena Cardoso

More than just a Game

Tim Huebschle

More than just a Game

Tim Huebschle


Phynley Joel


Phynley Joel

Olympics 1972: The GDR and the terror

Matthias Hufmann , Benjamin Unger

Olympics 1972: The GDR and the terror

Matthias Hufmann , Benjamin Unger

On my Bicycle

Océane Lavergne , Benjamin Langagne , Lucas Durot , Pierre Cilluffo , Marine Beuvain , Kerrian Detay

On my Bicycle

Océane Lavergne , Benjamin Langagne , Lucas Durot , Pierre Cilluffo , Marine Beuvain , Kerrian Detay

Outside is Free

Antoni Sendra

Outside is Free

Antoni Sendra

Paddling for Life

Judy Herbstein

Paddling for Life

Judy Herbstein

Paris, the Mecca of Parkour

Biel Macià Peramiquel

Paris, the Mecca of Parkour

Biel Macià Peramiquel

Penalty Shot

Rok Bicek

Penalty Shot

Rok Bicek

Perseguint un somni

Xavi Torres , Santi Padró

Perseguint un somni

Xavi Torres , Santi Padró

Prazinburk Ridge

Martin Bell

Prazinburk Ridge

Martin Bell


Tamás Fekete


Tamás Fekete


Santiago Castelo


Santiago Castelo

Proud of You

Jens Schanze

Proud of You

Jens Schanze

Shower Boys

Christian Zetterberg

Shower Boys

Christian Zetterberg

Soapless Soap

Bar Vaknine , Tamar Sharvit

Soapless Soap

Bar Vaknine , Tamar Sharvit


Richard Sidey


Richard Sidey

Square Foot

Victor Osselaer

Square Foot

Victor Osselaer

The best place I’ve ever been

David Casas Alcaide

The best place I’ve ever been

David Casas Alcaide

The Little prodigy

Xavier Diskeuve

The Little prodigy

Xavier Diskeuve

The opponent

Federico Russotto

The opponent

Federico Russotto

The path of Xixaraca

Bruno Sandstede

The path of Xixaraca

Bruno Sandstede

The Queen of Basketball

Ben Proudfoot

The Queen of Basketball

Ben Proudfoot

The Recess

Navid Nikkhah Azad

The Recess

Navid Nikkhah Azad

The Spark

Artem Shcherbakov , Otar Berov

The Spark

Artem Shcherbakov , Otar Berov

The Winner (Cycling)

Ali Keyvan

The Winner (Cycling)

Ali Keyvan

The Winner (Football)

Sadegh Hosseinkhani

The Winner (Football)

Sadegh Hosseinkhani

Things to tell you before a tunnel

Nacho Ros Berna

Things to tell you before a tunnel

Nacho Ros Berna

To Swim

Flore Hartout

To Swim

Flore Hartout

Tófol, The Endless Runner

Álvaro Iglesias

Tófol, The Endless Runner

Álvaro Iglesias

Un Ballon – A Street Football Film

Brian O'Connor

Un Ballon – A Street Football Film

Brian O'Connor

Uncle Maurice

Xavier Diskeuve

Uncle Maurice

Xavier Diskeuve

Unshot film

Daria Artiushkova

Unshot film

Daria Artiushkova

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