Excitement and spirit of achievement in Friday’s four sessions
The BCN Sports Film Festival screened four sessions throughout the day. The Museu OlÃmpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch hosted two of them. The first with a more artistic vision of sport and, with the second, we have learned from the stories of overcoming our protagonists. The Centre CÃvic Bon Pastor and the Cinemes Girona screened the last two sessions of the day.
Sport, like art, moves us. The Museu OlÃmpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch has hosted a first session, “Traçant la meta, esport i art” with which we have enjoyed highlights of the sport that, along with its human side, has given us a very different vision to what we are used to.
Among them, one of the most acclaimed was the documentary “Messi, el desè art”, hosted by Ramon Gener, which reviews the highlights, goals, titles and plays of Messi throughout his professional career as a player of FC Barcelona.
We know the achievements of many athletes and even some of their frivolities; but rarely do we know their reality, their concerns, their problems or their dreams. With “El partit de la meva vida”, the second session of the day at the Museu OlÃmpic we have been able to get a little closer to their stories. “La cumbre es el camino” tells the adventure of three boys from Albacete with intellectual disabilities who decide to break barriers and travel to Nepal to take to Everest base camp.
“Carla Suárez. Imbatida” has taken us to the moment when she is told that she suffers from Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that affects the lymphatic system, and how she manages to overcome it. Two stories of overcoming that help to see the light even in the hardest moments of our lives.
Later, at the Centre CÃvic Bon Pastor, “Sense obstacles” was screened. Four short films that go beyond the rules of sports. Productions with a touch of humor, which teach us that the spirit of self-improvement is vital for anyone.
“Una altra mirada” was the last session screened. The Cinemes Girona have hosted nine short films based on sporting views that have made us reflect through different points of view. We have been able to discover, share, know and experience through sport.